Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Mystery solved

I was saying my last post that I got this message from an old friend of mine... Well she became my new mystery girl as I couldn't remember whom she was actually. Not until tonight. It took me a while to find out "who's that girl". But now I know. And I am very happy that she wrote. We haven't spoke to each other since highschool... So for about 7 years now. Such a long time. It's so interesting how life separates people and, sometimes, it just gets them back together. At the same time, I love and I hate that about life. But now I'm happy for meeting my old, old friend. Thank you Dana. :)

True... True...

nuI guess you've already heard about Hi5.com. Well it really does connect the world. For instance, an old friend of mine just sent me a message telling me some things we used to do in the past, but without telling me who she really is. So it's up to me to guess now, which is totally cool. While checking her profile out, I ran into her journal, which sadly has only 3 posts, but one of them is awesome. I read it several times and now I decided I have to post it here as well. I still haven't got her permission for this, but I do hope she'll be alright with it. You can see the original post here. The text bellow is translated so it might not be 100% accurate. I'll do my best to maintain the "spirit" of the quote.

"...We have time for everything...to sleep...to run from here to there...to regret what we've done wrong and to repeat the mistake...to judge the others and to forgive ourselves...we also have time to write...to subedit what we wrote... to regret what we wrote...we have time to make projects and not to respect them...we have time to have illusions and to rummage later in their ash... we've got time for ambitions and diseases, to blame the destiny and the details... we have time to watch the clouds, commercials or a certain accident...we have time to chase off our questions...to postpone our answers...we have time to crash a dream and reinvent it...we've got time to make friends, and lose them... we have time to get lessons and then forget them... we have time to receive gifts and not understand them... we've got time for everything... there is no time for a little tenderness... when we are about to do it - we die... I have learned that you can't get somebody to love you... all you can do is to be a loved person...the rest...it's up to the others... I learned that no matter how much I'd care, the others might not care at all... I've learned that takes years to gain trust, and just a few seconds to lose it. I've learned that it does not matter what you've got in life but whom you've got. I've learned that you can get on and your charm is useful for about 15 minutes... but then, you'd better know some things... I learned that you don't need to compare yourself with what the others can do, but with what you can do... I've learned that it doesn't matter what happens to the people, but what I can do to solve it out... I learned that no matter how you'd cut, everything has two sides... I learned that you need to break apart from the loved ones with warm words, because it might be the last time you see them... I learned that you can continue for a long time after you said you can't make it anymore. I've learned that there are people that love you, but they don't know how to show it... I learned that when I'm angry I have the right to be angry, but I may not be evil... I've learned that friendship and true love continues to exist even over distance... I learned that if somebody doesn't love you as you wished they would, doesn't mean that doesn't love you from all their heart. I've learned that no matter how good your friend is, from time to time they will hurt you, and you have to forgive that. I've learned that it isn't always enough to be forgiven by the others, sometimes you have to learn to forgive yourself. I learned that no matter how much you suffer, the world will not stop for your pain... I've learned that the past and circumstances might have an influence on your personality, but you are responsible for what you become. I've learned that if two people fight, it doesn't mean that they don't love eachother, as well as the fact that if they don't fight, it doesn't mean that they're in love. I learned that sometimes you have to point the person and not their actions... I've learned that two people looking at one thing they might see something totally different... I've learned that no matter the consequences, the ones that are honest with themselves go further in life... I've learned that your life can be changed in a few hours by people which don't even know you... I've learned that writing and talking can calm soul pains...I've learned that it is too hard to figure it out when to draw the line between being nice, not hurting people and stand up for your opinions...

... But more than anything, I've learned to love so I could be loved..."

Thank you for this wonderful lines...

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Drink and Drive Record in Lithuania

I'm still shocked. I just read this news about the this Lithuanian guy caught drinking and driving by the Police. The drunk bastard was barely keeping the car on the road when the police pulled him over to check him out. The policemen tried several times the breath tester before believing the results. Well the guy had an incredible amount of pure alcohol in his blood: 7,27 grams per liter. That means he had 18 times more alcohol than the amount allowed by the Lithuanian law. If you think that's not that much, check this out: a 3,5 grams/liter concentration can easily kill a normal human being. The guy had over twice that amount and still driving. DUDE!

Photo session at a drink

Yesterday, soon after my mood rose, me and my friend (and boss) Sanyi went for a drink downtown. I also took the camera just in case there are some opportunities to take cool photos. And it seams there were some. We took over forty pictures, but just some of them are worth mentioning. So here they are. I think they look quite well. The sad part is that they don't present the bright side of our society. Even so, we can't turn our back to this reality and we do have to accept it. Whether we like that or not.

Crna macka, beli macor

A.K.A. Black Cat, White Cat. I don't know how many of you have seen Emir Kusturica's movie. It's an amazing movie. Last night I was just coming back home from swiming and my friend Flaviu has sent me an sms telling me that there's a gipsy movie on TV about some wedding. I guess he knows I love these movies. Then I realized that it had to be this movie. As soon as I got home I tuned on that tv station (it wasn't even set, as it generally sucks) and layed on my bed to watch it. Sadly I only caught the end of it. Even so, it was really cool to see it again. I strongly recommend it to anyone who don't mind reading subtitles, as I doubt many of you will understand the words. I guess they are serbian, but more like a gipsy serbian. :) Enjoy!

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Keeping Promises

Moment: still morning. Location: Office. Mood: Pissed!!!
I hate that people just don't keep their promises. It sucks! I mean, don't fucking promise something unless you wanna do it and you know YOU CAN do it. Why bother otherwise? If you say something and then never do it, you just piss off people, lose credibility, look like an idiot. I hate this about people.
I also hate people that are always late. The same shit. Don't say an hour if you can't make it by then. It just sucks waiting for others. And, in the end, how dare you keep the others waiting? Are you some sort of a fucking all-rights president? Noooooo! You're not.
So just keep your damn promises and be on time, for crying out loud!
Mood: Much better, thank you Aziz. :)

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Eminescu and Shakespeare in the same poem (RO)

I love you atat de tare
Incat I believe ca mor,
You are so incantatoare
Oh, my dear, cat te-ador.

When I go la brat cu tine
Ma simt very magulit
Ca are looking toti la mine
Oh, I'm so, so fericit.

All ar fi atat e bine .
But you see, nu-i chiar asa
Caci I tell ce simt in mine
Dar tu smile si smile intr-una

And I think ca spun traznai.
Please don't face pe nebuna
Si mai look in ochii mei.

Understand? I love you draga
Cum the hell sa-ti mai vorbesc
You are totul pentru mine
And I want sa te-ntalnesc.

But is difficult, vezi bine
Caci your mother is pe faza
Si din five in five minute
Carefully te controleaza

Top 10 Trends for 2006

8:30. Morning. I get to the office. There's some really imporntant short meeting I need to have with two of our colleagues. I was unable to react properly as I was almost sleeping... It ends before I actually realize that I haven't said much. Even so, I was happy with the verdict. I turn on my computer waiting for the water to boil so I could have my salvation: coffee. Meanwhile, I read the news. Politics. Day-to-Day life. Celebrities. Health. IT. bla bla bla bla. And then I find this little (well not that little) article about the top 10 trends in 2006.
According to the Scala JWT, the oldest advertising agency in the world, globally there are 10 trends that are definately influencing the way we live our lives this year, and in the future. So here they are:
1. Sex without apologies. The pornographic age has come and now there's no need to say sorry for being caught in a bad (sexual) position. The sexual incidents of the celebrities are now reason for fun and not for shame.
2. Miming fame and reality. The line between fame and reality is thinner and thinner... And the media is getting it even thinner. The TV has brought the people to the point where nobody can say it's real or not. We are all intoxicated with false truths.
3. Beyond time in India and China. The two largest countries in the world have gone beyond the big numbers, cheap labor and outsourcing centers. People started apreciating those two countries not so much for their gold or jewels, or the interior design, but for the philosophy, for the attitude towards the day to day life, for the spiritual equilibrium. Lately people around the world tend to be more and more in favor for spiritual development.
4. No brakes. With all the connectivity and communication systems around us there is no way to take a brake nowadays. You can be reached even in the bathroom, in the train or in the plane... even in your bedroom while... sleeping :P
5. Natural disasters and eco-science. A couple of years ago we were convinced that we got to the point where we can control the environment. Well that was a bad guess as the Tsunami in December 04 and shortly after Katrina hurricane demonstrates. These to natural disasters made us realize that we are still guests on this planet.
6. Living with the Islam. The muslim religion has very different points of view in terms of cohabitation, women emancipation and separation of state administration and religion. Therefore there will be more and more problems regarding the mentioned reasons.
7. Addicted to personal control. In each sector, consumers are expecting to have more and more control and decision making, as the interactive technology gives them this chance. The remote control, ATMs, WiFi, are helping users to save up energy and time, while the consumers are expecting more power and more ease of use each day, for each products. The brands are hardly keeping up with our expectations.
8. Brand non-fidelity. People are beginning to cheat on their old favorite brands. Consumers are no longer interested so much in brands as in products and gadgets. The fact that the competition is very strong and the information travels really fast, it's giving the marketing specialits huge headaches. It's very hard now to keep your product on top.
9. Virtual mobility. Due to pollution, traffic jams, agglomeration, people will slowly give up physical traveling in favor to virtual traveling. Faster. Cheaper. Comfortable.
10. Epidemic fear. The globalization and mobility has lots of advantages. But as anything else also disadvantages. It favors the spread of different pathologic agents. The medical scientist are trying to keep up with "the next epidemy", while not thinking as "if" but as "when". Another big issue is presented by the WHO (World Health Organization) as the "globesity".
I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did.

I love my country!

Dear Romania,
"There are some countries without the world would have a completely different face than the one we know today. We can all imagine how the world would be without USA, Great Britain or Italy; a world without hamburger, corporations, U.N. and the list could go on. But how many of you have tried to think of a world without Romania?" I just quoted from a small presentation I've watched these days.
I loved and I love my country, but still there are so many things I never knew about it. You should watch the presentation at the link above and you'll see what I'm talking about.
For instance, I never knew that the father of cybernetics or the inventor of fountain pen were Romanian. I also didn't know that the second spoken language in Microsoft is Romanian, right after English. I found out that the grandfather of baseball was actually a Romanian sport.
I was remembered that Nicolae Paulescu was the inventor of insulin, that Henri Coanda invented the jet plane and also that we are the first civilization creating a happy graveyard.
Man, we have a wonderful country. We are hospitable, friendly and fun. We ROCK! Come to Romania. It shall be "simply surprising".
Of course we have downsides as well. Everywhere around the world there are cool parts and bad parts. All countries have them. But still, with all the strange things, bad laws and greedy politicians, I DO LOVE MY COUNTRY!
With love,
Me. :)

Sunday, May 21, 2006

The end of the journey...

Well here I am after another 4 years of studies... Well more or less... I would definately say 4 years of learning, 4 years of experiences, traveling, work but not actually studying... I have studied for school also, but only before the exams (or after :P). Never during the year... I don't regret for not being much involved in the university life these four years... I don't regret not attending lectures and not being up-to-date at all time. I am sorry though that I haven't got the chance to know my colleagues better or to develop those "forever" connections. Even so, our lives lay ahead of us now, and I'm pretty much sure that if there's need for a connection, there'll be a connection.
The good part is that I had fun this years and that I do realize that the University actually offered me the opportunities I had. I am happy that I chose this University.
Today, the 21st of May, was the official last time, even if we still have much to do. We have left some exams (some more some less) and then the final thesis for the licence. But still we were all happy on this wonderful sunny Sunday, that we are done with this 4 years.
Good luck to all the students having the licence exams comming up (including myself) and also congratulations to all my colleagues. Thank you Cristina, Bogdan and all the others that have helped me when I needed that.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Reasons to keep the blog silent...

I don't have much time to post these days. I'm very stressed with the exams at the university. We didn't start yet, but soon we will and now all the papers and projects need to be turned in so I could go into the exams and then my thesis exams. Also I need to start working on my Thesis paper as soon as possible. Dude! There are less than 2 months left now. I need to graduate! :(
Wish me luck!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Love Sick (Legaturi bolnavicioase)

It's the third Romanian movie that totally impresses me this year. We actually make good movies, man. First Romanian production I saw this year was "Filantropica" which totally impressed me in terms of story, film, situation. Also the second one, "The death of Mr. Lazarescu" was amazing. Even so, not all my friends enjoyed it. We were watching it at my place and some of them fell asleep :P... Well, their loss. I loved it!
And now this one. Love Sick is actually a sick movie in certain ways, but really good directed, and the actors, even so I haven't seen most of them so far are acting beautifuly.
Here's the synopsis of this last movie:
"Love. It just happens. No rules. It may look sick, but it’s deep and it hurts. For everyone, Alex and Kiki are just two good friends. They happen to be two girls experiencing another kind of love. For their family, Kiki and Sandu are sister and brother who sometimes fight. They happen to be lovers. Love Sick is about their stories."
Lovely. This is one of the three Romanian movies participating these days at Cannes Film Festival. Even if it doesn't get any prizes or such, believe me! It's worth every second of it! Enjoy! :)

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

How to make better dirty pictures?

Beware. Some links here might lead to explicit adult content. :)
I was searching for some online blog directories and from click to click I found this guy's website. Mickey's Guide to How to Take Better Dirty Pictures ... is awesome. I always loved pictures and even more taking pictures... Sadly I don't know much about photography, but this guy knows for sure what he's talking about, and he obviously takes great pictures. Lots of tips there, but here are some of them:
1: Concentrate. Good photos don't happen by casually snapping away...pay attention to every detail as you shoot.
2: Shoot a lot. Remember, the photos are free, now that digital has replaced film. You may find it weird to throw out 9 out of 10 photos, but even the best pros only use one out of ten shots. In the end, no one needs to know what it took to get to those 15 great photos.
3: Be prepared to lead or be lead by your model. A shoot can go either way and you have decide early on. A tough call... you have to see if she can take direction from you or just go wild, while you try to keep up and capture the action. Just like sex.
4: NEVER show her the photos as you shoot... NEVER. Show her the first test shot maybe..(she may insist)..but after that it's like letting her look in the mirror... and she'll get very uptight.YOU have to be in control of the photoshoot.
5: Don't confuse the photoshoot with sex. Be professional, leave your clothes on, don't touch without asking. If it's your girlfriend or wife, save the sex for after... you'll be plenty hot.
6: Be flexible under changing circumstances. You may start with one idea, but as you start shooting, things can take on a life of their own...go with the flow.
7: Shoot fast...don't stop for long. If's she's getting into it, you don't want to break the mood.
8: Review the photos calmly in the light of day...(the next day). You'll be more objective after a few hours. After you've edited and found the best ones, make a few nice prints for your model.
9: Cover your ass. Be sure you have a signed photo release. Don't have one? Google "photo releases" and print one. Be sure you record the age of your model, and have a copy of two forms of I.D. showing her age. Take a photo of her holding the I.D. next to her face, be sure you can read the birthdate and name. Be sure she signs the release before she leaves the studio ( house, location, whatever). If you have to get one later in the mail, it may never happen, and you will NOT have the rights to use those photos, regardless of any verbal agreement. Yes, this includes your wife or best friend!
10: Study other photographers. Start with mine. Look at the galleries and you can see a pattern, the above notes will become obvious. Don't like my photos?...look hard at someone else's work, (Bob Coulter, for instance) and see if you can spot a consistant, useable approach to apply to you work.

BONUS Tip: Keep it fun!

When the University fucks and you can't fuck back...

I am terribly pissed right now. I hate Romanian education system, and I hate the University of Oradea. You can't imagine what just happened to me. Yesterday I went to the uni to see when the exams start. And what do I find? A god damn list with all the 4th (last) year students which still have not passed exams. I search for my name and I get an 8 bullets list with exams which I KNOW FOR SURE that I passed, starting with the 2nd year. I nearly fell off my legs. WTF!? I can't believe that they are telling me now that I still have to pass these pieces of shit, while back then they told me I gloriously passed. How do you call this? In Romanian we say: tzaaaaaaaapa!
So, today, early in the morning, after a non-sense lecture (yes, I attended it... well...half of it), I went to the secretary's office and asked about my grades. They told me I was out of the schedule for working with the students. I was so pissed that I said "I'm within my working hours, so could you please help me out so I could go to work". Well she smiled, to my surprise, and asked me about my problem. I told her and she started searching through the files and folders of the students. Guess what?! She found out that she was mistaken when she wrote those lists with names and exams and that I actually passed quite a few of those exams. The easy ones, obviously. Even so, I have a few which are grade-less. Yes, you are right. The difficult ones are the ones without grades... How can that be possible? I understand a fail grade, but not a grade at all? Very frustrating. So, with a big fucking smile on her damn face, she told me that I'll have to talk to the professors.
Well that's gonna be fun. And what am I going to tell them? "You know, remember me? Of course you don't. Well I have a genuine problem. I need my grade back. What grade? Well that one which you stole from me you... you... jerk!"
Did I say how pissed I am? Well I'm very, very, very pissed. I hope the situation will come out to a good end, 'cause otherwise I can say a big buh-bye to my graduation this year.
I like the "you might be a redneck" joke so here are some, which I came up with right now...
You might be a redneck if you can't read the damn grades and write them again on a piece of paper. You might be a redneck if you tell your students they've passed and then 1-2 years later watch them searching for you down the hall ways to see WTF happened. You are for sure a redneck if you, as a professor, can't keep an evidence of the grades you give. I might be a redneck as I tolerate this kind of mentality.

Darn education...

Monday, May 15, 2006

Words of Wisdom

"The most unfair thing about life is the way it ends. I mean, life is tough. It takes up a lot of your time. What do you get at the end of it? A death! What's that, a bonus?!? I think the life cycle is all backwards. You should die first, get it out of the way. Then go live in an old age home. You get kicked out for being too healthy, go collect your pension, then, when you start work, you get a gold watch on your first day. You work forty years until you're young enough to enjoy your retirement. You drink alcohol, you party, and you get ready for High School. You go to primary school, you become a kid, you play, you have no responsibilities, you become a little baby, you go back, you spend your last nine months floating with luxuries like central heating, spa, room service on tap, then you finish off as an orgasm!! Amen"
by George Constanza

Prom Ball Output :)

"And so it is, just like you said it would be..." Like a friend of mine had a comment on my previous post, I do agree that we were trying to celebrate something while we can. Just to be sure that we had at least the fun if not the diploma. :)
Well I was expecting it to be worse actually. It was quite fun. I got there around 8pm. Some of my coleagues were already there, so it was just fine. Shook some hands, met some friends (girls mostly :P) and we got inside. The place looked nicely arranged and the food as well looked quite cool. Only later I realized it wasn't the best ever... but still it worked. We weren't there for food. :)
Everybody was nicely dressed. Some of them more interested in impressing than the others, showing off their haute couture. :) Quite funny.
Then after around 200+ people poured inside, and the thousands of glass clinks stopped, everybody started sharing their past 4 years... Then I realized that actually I didn't miss that much. They had fun, they have nice friendships, but still, they didn't have the really cool cultural shocks, time pressured projects and events, the chance to meet over 80 cultures from all around the world. So, we're even at least!
The bad part was that I realized that I really don't know my coleagues. So many of them I actually don't remember seeing or meeting. That's sad... Anyway. I've met quite a lot of them. At least all from my specialization, marketing.
Damn... there are so many cute girls... that's actually what is the sad part of not attending classes and lectures. :)
So we took some pictures, which I hope I'll get as well. Bellow you can see two of the pictures I have already got. The others I'll post on my online photo album.

The picture above presents my highschool class mates (me, Alin Birta, Anca Broinas, Lajos Szengyorgy, Radu Mester, Cristina Popa). We were the only ones present at this ball, out of 25 people. It was a bit sad... We missed the others :)
Also, I had the plasure of meeting a very old friend of mine. That would be Crys. It was nice to meet her at the second event of this kind, after highschool. Good to see we're still good friends. And still young and sexy :))
Ok, now to end the story somehow, I need to say that I only left the place "early" in the morning... at around 7:00AM, a bit dazed and confused, not sure that if things will be alright or not with the exams, but still happy that I finally set up the ground for my thesis with my professor, Dorin Coita, whom, by the way, was the funniest professor that night.
I went pick up Flaviu, have a shower, a hot, strong coffee, take the car and go to work. It was a really strange day and I was tired like hell... I haven't got any sleep (except for a few minutes in my chair, in the office :P) earlier than 2:00 am the next night. But... It worth the effort. It was really nice to meet those people, catch up, laugh and dance a bit...

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Prom Ball today...

Well, it seams today is the day for the Prom day. Tonight we'll have the much expected (by some) University Graduation Ball. We're not graduate yet, and we'll not be graduate till the mid july, but we're celebrating now.
I never got this. How can somebody celebrate something that didn't happen yet? Imagine your parents celebrating your birthday a year before you were born. haha! That would be SO funny. :):):)
So, as you can see, I'm not as excited as my coleagues might be. But hey, let's party anyway, right? WTF, man? :)
So, I'll get back tomorrow news from the big event.


Knock, Knock... :)

Person 1: Knock, Knock

Person 2: Who''s there?

Person 1: Cows go.

Person 2: Cows go who?

Person 1: No, silly! Cows go moo!

How deep can you go?

Here comes another really cool advertisment that promotes this nice little Manix lubricant gel. So, now anything goes :)

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Six feet under...

I love commercial ads. I love advertising. So I find it very interesting to browse through sites related to those two interests of mine. Sometimes I find really cool ads for really strange firms. Like this one. It's a company from Berlin, Germany that provides funeral services. And they say Germans are not funny. :)

I'll post from time to time other commercials like this one. So if interested, come return from time to time. :)

Motto of the day...

If somebody's laughing, laugh with them!
If somebody's singing, sing together!
If somebody's working...
... let them work!!!!

My name is Apple. Adam's Apple.

At the first glance, this would normally look as an apple...

But after a closer look, you might as well notice that it resembles to Eva's Pear :)

A little bit of gipsy music...

I wanted to post this yesterday... But for some reason I couldn't access my dashboard on blogger.com. So I'll just say it shortly today.

I was so bored of my old music yersday. So I started digging inside my music collections and I found this really funny mp3 with some gipsy music. The band is called Ternipe and the song is Muro Shavo.

I generally hate "manele" (narodnjace - i hope i spelled it correctly) and this kind of music. But this one is too cool. I listened to it several times to my colleagues complete desperation. I strongly recommend you to get it and listen. I don't understand the words either, so if anyone has a translation I would love to get it as well. :) Anyway, the song is "shukar" and very "mishto" :)


Monday, May 08, 2006

Dude! He is father of 1000 !

I have a shitty day... I couldn't sleep well last night so I don't feel very energetic. Especially that it's monday also. Just a another manic monday :)

So instead of working, guess what! I read stuff. Just kidding. I also work, but now I in a break and I was reading today's headlines in papers. And there is this section called "Incredible!" where they say about this guy in Germany, which, according to the "Der Spiegel" Magazine, recently became father of his 1000th child. He's 56 and has children all around the place: Paraguay, Romania, Russia, Ukraine, Hungary, Moldavia.

Incredible, right? Well that's not all. The guy is also in a constant fight (since 1998) with the paternity laws in Germany, as he's not able to "accept" the 1000 children as his own, due to some restrictions the german law presents. A man in Germany can only accept a child as his own when the mother agrees and there is no other man revendicating the paternity of the child.

Now I'm confused...
1. Why would a man want to be the declared and fully responsible father of 1000!?!?! DUDE! Men don't dig this, as far as I'm concerned. I don't think we love babies THAT much! I wonder WHO else does?
2. Why wouldn't the mothers accept that guy as the father of the children, as this is the way to ensure an EU Citizenship for the child... so, maybe a better life. I'm pretty much sure all mothers in this countries would want that for their babies... depending on the consequences this implies of course.
3. How irresponsible can a man be? 1000 kids? Dude... Imagine how much sex does that guy has. I mean to get 1000 women pregnant needs a lot of work, even in 56 years (well let's say 40).

And now the big question: How the fuck does he manage to get all these women into bed. I want the recipe!

Friday, May 05, 2006

The Golden Fish - for Romanians only

The University of Oradea is blogging!

Yep! It is. I've seen it doing it. Actually I just ran into it's blog today, while searching for other bloggers in Oradea. If you wanna check it out go here.

Did you click on that link? If you didn't yet, don't bother. Actually the whole blog sucks. The only 3 posts are from August 2005, while one of them is the wonderful message of the Rector.

I wanted to write a bit more, but I gotta go now. Duty calls.


Sad Lifes, Sad Stories

I went on the balcony of our office today to get some air. It's a sunny day, birds singing (at least in my imagination :P)... I like it outside.
So as I said, I went outside and looked around. Well it wasn't much till the whole nice surrounding turned sad as I saw this little kid sleeping on an old mattress, with some dirty blanket on him.

It is pretty darn sad to see something like this. I mean the poor kid was sleeping there, right in front of a block entrance. People were walking around him and having that awful "I pitty you" look on their faces. Very sad! I wander what his story is. And I wonder how did he get that mattress. And how comes nobody does anything for this people.
Yep! Welcome to our prosperous, future EU country.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

I found Ivna's blog! :)

It seamns that I'm writing a lot today. But I did found something cool. I found my best Croatian friend's blog. I always thought she had an old MSN blog, but now there she is, with this new blog :P Click here to see it.

Yeah, that's not cool enough. But what's really cool, she has this nice picture of the two of us, while we were on Bol, Croatia. Really beautiful. So I'm gonna post that picture right here, together with this other picture of Bol. :)

Thank you Ivna for the amazing times on Bol and for everything else you've thought me, shown me, done for me. Hugs and kisses.

This is me and Ivna

And this is what's called "The Golden Beach" on Bol. Very interesting.

Goodbye Monopoly$!!! Welcome Tiles Rummy!

I don't know how many of you know what "Remi" means. If you are Romanian, I'm pretty much sure you know. But you're not, you might wanna check into "Rummy". I just found out myself it's called this way. I google searched for "Remi" and didn't find much but from link to link to link I got to this page, which links to this page: Romanian Rummy.

So, me and my friends dropped the popular game of Monopoly$. We used to play it a whole lot! We loved it. But for different reasons, one of us would always get frustrated when we played. So now we switched to something new. Well that would be this "Rummy".

I'm not going to explain you all the rules or try to describe you the game. You can read about it at the mentioned links. I just want to say a few things about it. It seams to have almost as many versions as poker. We started playing one version, really easy, with pretty much no big rules. Then, my mum comes in with a whole new version which is waaaaaaay more complicated, more stressful, but also much more fun. Then some other people tell us their own versions. Anyway. The version we'll stick to is my mum's.

So lately me and my friends (Relu, Georgi, Flaviu) are wasting entire afternoons (and nights) playing this game. We're like insane. I wonder for how long this euphoria will last. Anybody wants to join in a championship? We're up for it!

Finally a template I kinda like

Yes, I managed to create my own template for my blog. It's no rocket science with nothing spectacular except... it's mine. :) For now it's alright, but I am considering changing it in the future. :)

So, I hope you like it. I kinda do. ;) Awaiting your comments.


Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Vice Tax Starts Charging Today

Dear smokers, drinkers and friends of those,
Today is a sad day in Romania. A few months ago the Government (the Health Ministery) decided to introduce this "vice tax" and today it becomes effectual. What does that mean? Well it means that they introduce a quite big charge (30%). They say this way the Romanians will drink and smoke less... So this means that a pack of cigarettes will cost with 1RON more and a litter of pure alcohol will cost with 7RON more... (1RON = approx. 0,29 EUR)
Even sadder is the fact that this is not the only rise that the bachus friends and smokers will encounter this year. The Ministry of Health thought in its wisdom that they should rise the prices up again in July with another 25-30%. This will be definately fun.
So, many of my friends already pilled up a few boxes of cigarettes and are all saying "we gotta quit smoking". Well, we'll see about that. They say that for vices one will always have the money, even if will cut other things. I do hope that we'll all quit smoking, but what about drinks? Why can't we have the famous cheap Romanian beer anymore?
This sucks dude!

BAMSE - the most powerful bear in the world...

I was chatting with a friend of mine these days... And somehow, I don't recall exactly the context, but Bamse came up into subject. I don't know how many of y'all have ever heard of such thing. But I did and I loved it!

It was middle 90's, in Romania, when they were publishing this kids magazine. It was about this cute little bear (you'll say I'm nuts) which was the strongest bear in the world, if he was having some of his "special" honey made by his granny. If you wanna read more about this, just go here. Or if you understand swedish just click on www.bamse.net, since this is the official website.

Anyway, the cool part is that it's really fun. I mean I remember buying all the issues and piling them up after reading them over and over again. It was a really cool magazine.

And since we were talking with my friend about our common childhood friend, Bamse, we obviously got to the Ninja Turtles and the Sandi Bell TV series. It was very nice to remember... and got me really nostalgic...

So thank you Andy for this cool memories. I will give you that turtle cup next time we see eachother.

Now I'm over and out. I go to sleep 'cause the weekend is over, rest is needed as the week is starting up.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Another sunny weekend...

I loved this long weekend. It would be SO cool to always have 3 days free weekends :) Or at least during the summer. When you can sunbath, have a beer on the balcony, or go for a picnic somewhere...

The past two weekends we TOO cool. So much time for rest, and sun, and friends, and fun, and... some other things :) I loved it...

This whole week has been rainy and shitty here, in Oradea. Actually I guess it was a shitty weather all around Romania. But the cool part is that today it's sunny and warm again. This means that we have some chances of sunny weather this weekend.

I really want some more sun! :)