Monday, July 03, 2006

A weekend full of concerts in Oradea

Yep, it has been a long weekend. Somehow, I'll always hate the memory of this weekend, as I spent most of it studying for my license exam. Not much fun on this part. And I hate it even more as it was a very animated weekend in the old Oradea, and I couldn't attend much of it. Anyway, there were some really cool parts which I happily joined. It all started on Friday, when the largest telephone company in Romania, Romtelecom, held a free concert here. Well the bands sucked... BIG time! But it was fun anyway to attend such an event, as it's been a while since the last time I was in such a place. Too bad that most of the cute girls were not there... I mean except for kids and high-school rebels and some parents there was nothing much to see. :(
The next cool thing happening this weekend in Oradea was a three days event called The Oradea Fortress Celebrations. This happens every year, but this year was really cool. Starting with nice costumes and music, and ending with the traditional mix of concerts, "mici" and beer, it was a nicely organized fest. As I said, sadly, I couldn't attend much of it, but still I enjoyed the concerts held on Saturday and Sunday. Saturday evening I initially joined Relu and Georgi for a short refreshing walk, which was everything but short, as I got home around 1 am. The Iris band, one of the most popular bands in Romania, threw a hell of show, with really really nice songs. It was really fun. Sunday, also I went out, even though I didn't plan to. Back to the fortress, for another magnificient concert of Phoenix. I even forgot how cool these two bands were, and how cool the Romanian language sounds put nicely in a good song. :) I loved it. Last night it's been also very long, as I got home around 3 am. Damn! That was late! :P Especially thinking that I'm way behind schedule with studying and that today I had to wake early to get to work.
Now, even though that my eyes are almost falling, I am happy that I had such weekend nights. It was cool. Too bad Matt couldn't stay longer to attend those. Man, you would have loved this.


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