Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Do we really need this shit?

Sunday out fishingI was reading this article about some study that UNICEF has made, regarding the way Romanian parents are educating their children. The study presents that a considerable percent of the parents still use beating as an education method. And they condemn that! Fuck that! I was beaten by my parents when I was little, but I do know that was for my own good. How else can you educate a child if you don't slap their ass when they do wrong. They say that communication is the key. I agree, it is... in a perfect world! Not here, where the child goes next day to kindergarden or school, or just out to play, and meets all the other kids that are not really educated by their parents. That's where the educated children learn the bad things and start doing it. I think this is the problem! Not me slaping my kid, but the others not doing so... It's not ok. I was around my old neighborhood a few weeks ago and I've seen all this little kids with all kinds of scars on their heads, arms and legs. How can a parent be so irresponsible to let those children play in such a dangerous way. That's a REAL problem. Not me education my kid in an old school way. UNICEF, stay the fuck out of this, and focus on these REAL issues of the Romanian society.
Another stupid thing that I read today is that 65% of the Romanian families still swaddle (wrap tightly in cloth) their babies. UNICEF and other wise enlightened scientists say that this affects seriously the child, both physically and psychologically. That's crap!!! I was swaddled. My parents couldn't get diapers for me. Hello! I'm ok! I don't have physycal or psychological injuries. Not me, and not the other billion of people growing up this way. I'm sure it's all ok to swaddle the baby, especially if you can't afford the diapers or you don't have access to it. What you gonna do? Stop eating so you could get diapers? This is bullshit! All this "sanitation" of everything that a baby/child/adult touches I believe actually destroys our imunitary system. We are made to survive this world. We used to survived using old fashion sanitation also. I think all this "worrying" for the hygiene is actually the reason why so many people living on the north-american continent are suffering from asthma or other stupid diseases. This really pissed me off.
Do we really need this shit? Do we really need this kind of mentality? Do we really want to join EU? Can we really afford that now?!


Blogger Chiara's wonderful world said...

Hey Seb!

I didn't know you had a blog... and I didn't know you were already planning to have kids ;) ...

Hope to see you soon

July 26, 2006 5:06 pm  
Blogger Chiara's wonderful world said...

Hey again!
Thanks for your post on my blog :)
Of course... and be quick to come and visit me! otherwise I will have to move to China to get farther (and then please come as I do not wish to discover the universe just to make your life harder) :)

Well, I have to say that your blog has a better look than mine... but post more pictures! (Yo know, a blog without pics is like a book without pics...)(meaning less appealing, not worse) :)

July 26, 2006 8:04 pm  

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